Project Proposal


  1. GOAL: Explain in one or two sentences your W.I.S.E. goal.

To gain knowledge of anatomy, illnesses, and bodily functions, improve my attention to detail, and determine what symptoms should be alarming to a nurse. Obtain the knowledge that new nurses wished they knew when they first started the job. 

II. PROPOSED STRATEGIES:  List a series of steps in number or bullet format that you plan to take in order to achieve your goal. This should be specific.

  1. Read books on nursing such as: 

    1. Code Blue! Now What?: Learn what to do when your patient needs you the most! By Michael Heuninckx

    2. Critical Care: A New Nurse Faces Death, Life, and Everything in Between by Theresa Brown

  1. Research nurse assessments on the Internet. Websites to investigate:





  2. Watch educational nursing documentaries such as:

    1. “The Vaccine War”, PBS

    2. “NURSES: If Florence Could See Us Now”, On Nursing Excellence

    3. “The Waiting Room”, PBS

    4. “Defining HOPE, American Nurses Association

  3. Interview people who have experience in the medical field and nursing specifically:

    1. Mrs. Cortese (YHS School Nurse)

    2. Dana DeGennaro (ICU Nurse)

    3. Colette Mooney (Nurse at Colombia Presbyterian)

    4. Mr. Comerford (Administrator at Yale-New Haven Hospital system)

    5. Danielle Cane (RN at Weill Cornell Medical Center)

    6. Sharon McDonald (ORRN at Westchester Medical Center)

  4. Shadow an RN at the Yale-New Haven Hospital

  5. Record how a standard nurse assessment would go with a patient showing no alarming symptoms 

  6. Record how a nurse assessment in the scenario of the patient showing these symptoms:

    1.  Shortness of breath

    2. High fever

    3. Inconsistent peripheral pulse and apical pulse

    4. Swollen limbs

    5. Pale skin

    6. Excessive perspiration

  7. Organize information gathered from research

  1. FINAL PROJECT:  Explain in two or three sentences what you think your end project will be.  Remember, this is a proposal, and you ☺☺☺are early in the process.  Your ideas can and will change during your W.I.S.E. journey.

My end product will be a recreation of the game Operation. The “patient” will have certain symptoms that should be alarming for a nurse. I will display my research of anatomy and nurse assessments by providing the correct reactions to these given situations.           Image result for operation game
