Blog Post Prompt #3

 What do I enjoy most about what I am doing? When I feel I have had a good day working toward my WISE goals, what have I accomplished?   

Don't let time stop you from accomplishing your dreams | Words,  Inspirational words, Motivational quotes

My WISE journey has led to me research a new career field- one that I am extremely interested in, pays well, is a logical next step after earning a BSN,  and is growing in demand. Before I considered the amazing field of anesthesiology, my WISE focus was honed in on nursing. After researching the history/background, education required, pay, critical skills, ethics, and job opportunities, I felt comfortable in my knowledge of nursing. What I did not know, however, was which specialty I preferred. Having no previous experience as a volunteer or intern, I wasn't sure which niche of nursing I would find myself drawn to. I have greatly enjoyed learning more about the anesthesia specialty. 

Science Says Only 8 Percent of People Actually Achieve Their Goals. Here  Are 7 Things They Do Differently |

I am constantly setting new WISE goals for myself and revising my previous ones as I am discovering the benefits of becoming a CRNA. I have spent the better part of my last two weeks focusing on gathering useful, practical information on nurse anesthetists. At the end of the day, I feel like I have made great progress toward my WISE goal when I understand more about the responsibilities and daily lives of certified registered nurse anesthetists. I set a WISE goal for myself to dedicate at least an hour and a half of my time per week towards researching what this career entails. I feel accomplished when I can confidently explain to someone what a shift looks like as a CRNA. 
