Health Assessment Tips

 This week I did research that would help me specifically for my WISE project. In order for a nurse to recognize symptoms within a patient that are cause for action, they must conduct a head-to-toe assessment. I found an article that outlines how the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of someone's health may affect their body systems, and what the responsibility of a nurse is during a health assessment. 

Preventive PLUS | Health Assessment


  •  "Establishing a personal relationship of trust and respect between the patient and the nurse is vital." (Terri Zucchero, Ph.D., RN, FNP-BC)
  • This exam determines the patient's health needs, current health status, and goals for personal health outcomes
  • Nonverbal cues from the patient are just as important. Examples include grimacing, grunting while moving or making contact with a body system, avoiding eye contact, or answering a question.
  •  The general status of a patient is taken before vital signs. This includes the level of alertness, state of health, respiratory rate, and state of comfort or distress.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for help when noticing an abnormality or something that does not seem right. Rely on your training and instincts.


  1. Nonverbal cues are so powerful. We often lie with our words-remember that section from Blink about microexpressions?

  2. The importance of this exam you found in your research is interesting!


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