
Showing posts from March, 2021

Blog Post Prompt #3

 What do I enjoy most about what I am doing? When I feel I have had a good day working toward my WISE goals, what have I accomplished?    My WISE journey has led to me research a new career field- one that I am extremely interested in, pays well, is a logical next step after earning a BSN,  and is growing in demand. Before I considered the amazing field of anesthesiology, my WISE focus was honed in on nursing. After researching the history/background, education required, pay, critical skills, ethics, and job opportunities, I felt comfortable in my knowledge of nursing. What I did not know, however, was which specialty I preferred. Having no previous experience as a volunteer or intern, I wasn't sure which niche of nursing I would find myself drawn to. I have greatly enjoyed learning more about the anesthesia specialty.  I am constantly setting new WISE goals for myself and revising my previous ones as I am discovering the benefits of becoming a CRNA. I have spent the better part o

CRNA's vs Anesthesiologists

I spent most of my WISE time this week focused on a new career path. During the WebShadowers virtual session, the anesthesiologist that was presenting was given the question, “How do you set yourself apart from CRNA’s?” I was unaware of the similarities between the two careers until I took the time to research their job descriptions, which I found to be overwhelmingly similar. Both specialize in the process of putting a patient under anesthesia. They are both able to prescribe medicine and order diagnostic tests. The type of patients they are able to care for are the same. They can both specialize (and subspecialize) in the same areas of anesthesia. These areas include obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, cardiac surgery, pain management, dental surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery, palliative (hospice) care, organ transplantation, doctors’ offices and outpatient surgery centers, and even the military. Positions they are both able to fill include those in clinical areas, administratio

Nursing Spotlight: Anesthesiology

Nursing Spotlight: Anesthesiology Pre-Health Virtual Shadowing is a great resource to use if you are interested in the field of medicine! This week I watched the virtual shadowing session 35- "Nursing Spotlight: Anesthesiology" to further my knowledge of this specialty. Over the hour and a half informational session, my interest in this field grew. I decided to spend more time this week focusing on anesthesiology and CRNA's (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) and learned a lot about the path to becoming a CRNA, the job description, responsibilities, and advantages to this career! One CRNA shared her experience as a CRNA on the virtual shadowing session, and her love for her career was contagious. I couldn't help but document all of the things that she saw as advantages to her job that turned me onto this career path even more. (1) DIRECT PATIENT CARE Similar to the responsibilities of an RN, a CNRA get to work hands-on with the patient. Usually, an advanced degre

Health Assessment Tips

 This week I did research that would help me specifically for my WISE project. In order for a nurse to recognize symptoms within a patient that are cause for action, they must conduct a head-to-toe assessment. I found an article that outlines how the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of someone's health may affect their body systems, and what the responsibility of a nurse is during a health assessment.  GREATEST TAKEAWAYS FROM MY RESEARCH  "Establishing a personal relationship of trust and respect between the patient and the nurse is vital." (Terri Zucchero, Ph.D., RN, FNP-BC) This exam determines the patient's health needs, current health status, and goals for personal health outcomes Nonverbal cues from the patient are just as important. Examples include grimacing, grunting while moving or making contact with a body system, avoiding eye contact, or answering a question.  The general status of a patient is taken before vital signs. This includes the level of al